Please identify the areas you would like Coach-Mentors to assist you in. There are six categories: Work, School, Health, Relationships, Daily Life, Emotional Well-Being, and Recovery. Or, you can also identify areas we may have not listed.
- Job search support
- Completing applications and a resume
- Job coaching
- Managing workplace pressure and stress
- Organizational skills
- Getting a job – figuring out how to start
- Developing or improving resume
- Figuring out where I’d like to work/what job is best for me
- Effective interviewing skills
- Preparing for and getting to the interview
- Building a strong work-ethic and performance that will be rewarded by employers
- Getting homework or projects done
- Dealing with bullying
- Staying safe on-line
- Making friends/participating in healthy activities
- Where am I going – finding purpose and direction
- Organizational skills - planning and following through
- Managing challenging people
- Conflict resolution
- Anger management skills
- Finding balance between academic work and free time
- Staying safe on-line
- Developing healthy boundaries
- Building self-esteem and confidence
- Improved relationship with parents
- Establishing a consistent, healthy routine
- Getting to the gym or other positive activities
- Losing weight
- Planning, shopping and preparing healthy meals
- Implementing yoga, meditation and/or exercise
- Stop smoking
- Safe, positive ways of meeting new people
- Managing conflict and anger
- Developing healthy boundaries
- Developing effective communication skills
- Getting along better with family members, roommates, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc
- Expressing myself better to people
- Assertiveness/advocacy
- Being happier/more satisfied at home, with friends or work or in life
- Discovering a spiritual connection
Daily Living
- Finding a place to live – establishing independence
- Help managing finances and staying on a budget
- Organizational skills - planning and following through
- Developing a more balanced lifestyle
- Improved communication skills
- Assertiveness/advocacy
- Getting up in the morning
- Going to bed at a reasonable time
- Scheduling/preparing for meetings and appointments
- Getting to appointments and getting home from appointments
- Managing time better
- Maintaining your house or apartment
- Getting along with your roommates
- Getting to and from appointments
- Sticking up for yourself at appointments and understanding what the appointment is all about
Emotional Well-Being
- Support getting out of the house, meeting new people, or into desired activities
- Managing anger/conflict
- Becoming more assertive
- Making better decisions
- Managing your depression or anxiety in real life situations in real time
- Being happier at home, with friends or work or in life
- Feeling good about myself – building self-confidence and self-esteem
- Identifying and avoiding triggers
- Staying clean and sober
- Going to meetings
- Finding/asking a sponsor
- Sober companion
- Forming new, positive friends/activities
- Keeping yourself from making poor decisions in real life situations in real time
What else do you need help with?