How it Works

Coach-Mentors help and support adolescents, young adults and adults put into practice the goals they are working on in therapy by providing practical assistance in between therapy sessions.

Coach-Mentors meet clients in the community at a time and place that is convenient. Day time, evenings, weekends. It could be after school, before or after work or whenever fits. Meetings can take place at home, in a coffee shop, park or while engaging in a healthy fun activity. Meetings occur in environments that lend themselves to natural conversation – a place that’s comfortable for clients and practical for the goals that have been identified. 

Coach-Mentors are also available to clients between sessions by telephone to provide additional support or to encourage clients in their efforts to follow through with identified goals.  These additional touch-points are customized based on the client's needs and provide an opportunity to stay connected and on track, even on a daily basis.

 How are we different?

  • We are less formal and more casual, yet still professional and supportive.
  • Achievement and goal-oriented, Coach-Mentors focus on getting things done, on accomplishing the task at hand and supporting success. That goal may not be a monumental undertaking (at least not in one meeting) but rather a task or goal specifically identified for that particular meeting. It could be implementing goals or strategies identified in therapy or it could be doing something more physical like a health and fitness activity or job search. Sometimes it’s a combination of all of the above.

That’s a large part of the value of Coach-Mentors – useful, practical supports designed to help clients bridge what is discussed in therapy with their everyday lives. Coach-mentors is the launching pad to thriving and doing better outside the walls of therapy.

Why does Coach-Mentors work? Because:

  • It is practical, real and relevant to you
  • It is personal and individualized for you
  • It is accessible and convenient – we come to you