Coach-Mentors assists parents who wish to support their child who is in therapy, but find that as a parent, they are not always in the best position to do so.  Either due to strained relationships, or on-going conflict about a particular issue or the child’s rejection of parent influence, parents are often compromised in being the agent of help for their developing adolescent or young adult.  Sometimes, teens and young adults will be more open and receptive to others than they are to their parents.  Parents can confidently call upon Coach-Mentors to help in these situations, knowing that the Coach-Mentor will help their child follow-through with therapeutic goals, even with goals that are directly related to the child’s family relationships.

Parents are often frustrated that their child is unable to appreciate the importance of therapy, or he/she doesn’t engage or participate in therapy enough to make it useful.  Kids so often just “don’t get the point” of therapy.  Coach-Mentors can help by making therapy relevant, real and practical to their everyday lives – by connecting the dots for them.  And helping them see that they can make meaningful change that benefits them.

Additionally, parents often have their hands full with multiple priorities and simply cannot be available to help with every aspect of the work their son or daughter has to do for school or for therapy.   And, parents are not always available when the child is – or when the child is accessible or motivated to actually do the work.  Coach-Mentors are able to fill this gap and meet a need that although willing, not all parents are able to fulfill.

Knowing also that their child is being guided by a trained and experienced Coach-Mentor, rather than left to his or her own initiative, or depending upon a friend or a peer is both comforting and reassuring. 

Our practical, real-world extension of the therapeutic work done in session with the therapist can make the difference between therapy being successful or not.