Other Coaching Services
Our Family Support Coaching is a welcome addition for parents and other family members whose loved one is receiving our core Coach-Mentoring services. Career and Leadership Coaching is accessed independently of other services and may be seen as a more traditional kind of coaching support available by phone or video.
Family Support Coaching
Parents, Spouses and Extended Family
When a loved one is struggling, the whole family struggles with them. As our loved ones begin to grow and make changes, it is helpful for the family to walk alongside them, to support them and sometimes even make their own changes. This improves the relationships that may once have been strained or even broken.
Whether it is your child, your partner, or your aging parent, Coach-Mentors is prepared to assist you in making practical changes to strengthen your relationship. We are available to help provide insight into the family dynamics and how your loved-one is affecting your life, understanding your anger or despair, and learning how to support with love without recreating old patterns.
Our Family Support Coach will help your family develop and implement skills to ensure healthy communication and patterns to support your child or loved one. Whether your focus is on responsibility, accountability, changing roles or other areas, Coach-Mentors’ Family Support Coach can help reduce difficulties and strengthen the family relationships for improved and more healthy interaction.
Career & Leadership Coaching
Whether you are unsure what direction to take in life, or are looking to make a career change or even just preparing for a presentation, Coach-Mentor’s Leadership and Career Coaching can help. With extensive experience helping young adults and adults navigate these important life and work decisions, Coach-Mentors can provide valuable guidance and support.
Public Speaking:
Coach-Mentors can help you communicate with confidence and ease. We can help you overcome your fear of speaking publicly, whether that is to a large audience, in a meeting, or leading a small group.
We can help with speech writing, preparing presentation materials, developing your voice and how to body language, decreasing anxiety, and how to win the audience. We can help you polish your delivery, improve your story-telling ability and develop your own personal style.
Career Change or Advancement:
If you are unfulfilled at work, or feel you want to do something different but are unsure what that is, or how to plan for such a change, Coach-Mentors can help. Even if your objective is on advancement, a salary increase or being able to handle increasing amounts of responsibilities, Coach-Mentors can help equip you with what is needed to realize these objectives.
Selecting a Major/Course of Study:
If you are having difficulty deciding on a major, or the one you selected now doesn’t feel like a good fit for you, Coach-Mentors can help. We help college and graduate level students navigate the complexities of figuring out a course of study that matches your abilities, talent and passion.
Coach-Mentor’s Career & Life Coaching services helps equip students, young professionals and emerging leaders with the skills necessary for success. Our services can include objectives such as finding the ideal job, making a career change, advancing at work, selecting a major or improving your confidence and skills for public speaking. We help you set obtainable goals and then provide the expertise to help you achieve those goals.